Zack Saadioui
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# For Linux users, you can run this command: curl -fsSL | sh
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ollama pull llama3.1 ollama run llama3.1
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const { Ollama } = require('ollama-node'); const { Client } = require('@notionhq/client'); const notion = new Client({ auth: process.env.NOTION_KEY }); const ollama = new Ollama(); async function chatWithNotion(notes){ const response = await ollama.generate(notes); return response; } // Example of retrieving a note async function retrieveNote(databaseId) { const response = await notion.databases.query({ database_id: databaseId }); const noteContent = response.results[0].properties.Name.title[0].text.content; const ollamaResponse = await chatWithNotion(noteContent); console.log(ollamaResponse); } retrieveNote('<your_database_id>');
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const systemPrompt = `Use the following note to answer the prompt: ${noteContent}`; ollama.setSystemPrompt(systemPrompt); const answer = await ollama.generate(userQuestion); console.log(answer);
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