
How to Get ChatGPT to Ignore All Previous Instructions

In the realm of AI and conversational agents, sometimes you may find yourself in a position where you want to clear the slate and get a fresh start with your interactions. Whether you are looking for new ideas, a different perspective, or simply want to reset the conversation, knowing how to prompt ChatGPT to ignore previous instructions can be incredibly useful. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this process.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the methods, it’s essential to understand how ChatGPT processes interactions. The model remembers the context and instructions provided up until a certain point, which is crucial for maintaining the flow and subject continuity. However, if you want to start fresh, you can easily do so by following some straightforward strategies:

Methods to Reset ChatGPT

Here are a few methods you can employ to get ChatGPT to ignore its previous instructions:

1. Explicitly Request to Reset

  • Simply state that you want to reset the conversation. For example, you can say, "Please ignore all previous instructions and start fresh." This signals to ChatGPT that you wish to change the course of the conversation.

    1. Change the Topic Lightly

  • Transitioning to a completely new subject without referencing earlier topics can also signal that you want to start anew. For instance, saying, "Let’s shift gears – what can you tell me about space exploration?" can effectively prompt a reset.

    1. Introduce a New Scenario

  • Present a new hypothetical situation or scenario. For example, you might say, "Imagine we’re in a coffee shop discussing travel plans. What do you think?" This new context can help direct the conversation away from the previous interactions.

    1. Use Clear and Direct Language

  • Being straightforward can be very effective. Phrases like "Forget about the last topic" or "Disregard my earlier questions" can clearly convey your desire for a fresh start in the chat.

    1. Feedback on Previous Responses

  • If the AI has provided responses that you find unsatisfactory or off-topic, politely provide feedback. For instance, "That wasn’t quite what I was looking for. Can we start over?" can signal the need for a reset.

Key Considerations

  • Expectations: Remember that while ChatGPT can attempt to ignore previous instructions, its responses are still shaped by the conversational flow and context.
  • Clarity: The more clear and concise your request is, the better ChatGPT will understand your need for a reset.


In conclusion, getting ChatGPT to ignore previous instructions is all about how you communicate your desire for a fresh start. By employing methods such as explicitly asking for a reset, changing the topic, or introducing new scenarios, you can effectively guide the conversation in a new direction. Experiment with these strategies to enhance your interactions and make the most out of your experience with ChatGPT!


By understanding how ChatGPT processes previous instructions, you can effectively reset conversations by using clear requests, changing topics, or introducing new contexts. This guide provides practical methods to help you refresh discussions with the AI.


["ChatGPT", "AI Conversation", "Reset Instructions", "Artificial Intelligence", "How-To"]

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